SELLER WILL CARRY!! 12 acres of flat no longer used farm land. No water but you can drill a well and once a few more people move in around the area, go in partners and make it a shared well. Or you can harvest rain water or have it trucked in. If you want to plant a whole mess of trees and or a huge garden, etc, then you really need a well. If you're searching for a piece of land that's not in the middle of nowhere but feels like it is, look no further. Tons of privacy here. That area is basically a giant playground in every direction as far as the eye can see.
School Ratings & Info
SELLER WILL CARRY!! 12 acres of flat no longer used farm land. No water but you can drill a well and once a few more people move in around the area, go in partners and make it a shared well. Or you can harvest rain water or have it trucked in. If you want to plant a whole mess of trees and or a huge garden, etc, then you really need a well. If you're searching for a piece of land that's not in the middle of nowhere but feels like it is, look no further. Tons of privacy here. That area is basically a giant playground in every direction as far as the eye can see.